At Heirloom Ladies, our goal is to get back to the basics of life and family and learn from other women. Yes, we love to share our experiences, favorite recipes, and home traditions. It’s fun.
But our #1 goal is to point women to Christ. He is what completes us, makes life worthwhile, and gives us hope for eternity.
In the spirit of keeping things simple and getting back to basics, did you know God has this same philosophy? 1 Corinthians 14:33 states, “For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.”
God wants you to have this peace.
Are you a child of God?
Ask yourself these questions:
- Do you believe that God exists? If you’re struggling with this basic truth, read these posts:
- 7 Reasons to Believe in God. “What we have at our fingertips is a mountain of irrefutable, indirect, credible evidence that testifies on God’s behalf. Consider seven lines of evidence that warrant the conclusion that an eternal, supernatural Creator (God) exists. Read more >>
- 10 Arguments for the Existence of God. “The Universe/Cosmos exists and is real (Who can deny this point?). How did it get here? Why something rather than nothing? Since it is real, how did it come into existence? The Law of Cause and Effect states that every material effect (i.e. the Universe) is contingent (something had to cause the Universe to exist). Read more >>
- Do you believe the Bible is His inspired word? If you need more evidence, read these posts:
- 3 Good Reasons to Believe the Bible is from God. “Those who penned the Bible did not expect the world to receive their writings as God’s Word simply because they claimed they were. The Bible writers insisted that their writings were not based on imaginary, unverifiable people and events, but instead were grounded on solid, verifiable facts… the main, overarching reason that the Bible is demonstrated to be of divine origin is because the Bible writers were correct in everything they wrote—about the past, the present, and even the future.” Read more >>
- I Love God, But I Hate the Bible! “Although I cannot imagine anyone actually uttering those words, many people’s lives seem to indicate that is what they are thinking. Why is it that people think they can have God without His word?” Read more >>
- Why Do People Interpret the Bible Differently? “If I interpret the Bible differently than you, it is either because God was incapable of giving us a book that we could agree upon, or because there is a problem in how one (or both) of us is studying it. I choose to believe the latter. If God is the author of the Bible, then all diligent students who read the Bible correctly will eventually come to the same conclusion.” Read more >>
- Are you 100% certain that you have obeyed God’s plan to be saved, as outlined in the Bible? If you’re unsure, PLEASE sign up for this free Bible course, which will help you understand His plan and give you clarity.
- Are you a Christian in need of a church family? Please email and we will help you find a church home in your area.